🚀ESHARE Single Staking Farm

Stake your ESHARE to earn ESHARE rewards.

There is a 21 day lock period. Deposit your ESHARE, it will be locked for 21 days. You will earn ESHARE rewards daily.

Claim rewards as often as you like. However your deposit remains locked for the 21 day period.

Any deposits or compounds made will reset the timer, and your full deposit will once again be locked for 21 days.

Claims on your rewards do not affect the lock timer.

At the end of the 21 days, you may withdraw your deposit or compound into a new 21 day period. You are free to add more to your deposit at this time (or any time).

The ESHARE single staking farm will run for as long as it remains the best solution to add additional utility to the ESHARE token, and helps the health of the EMP ecosystem as a whole.

Last updated